Clark County Readers’ Choice 2024
Grand opening of our new office at spring street
Jeffersonville Mayor Mike Moore along with City council Member Bill Burns and Director of zoning and planning did the ribbon cutting of our new office at 443 spring street.
It was a hybrid ceremony with live broadcast on the web.
It was an event well done while observing social distancing in the Covid-19 era.
Please visit our face book page for more pictures and video presentation.
Sullivan university recognizing dr. Masroor
Dr. Masroor was given Preceptor of the year award by Sullivan University for the outstanding services in academics.
Brooke miller, arnp received 20 under 40 award
Our team member Brooke Miller, ARNP was given 20 under 40 awarding the local community. We congratulate her for this great honor.
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth visit to our office
Congressman trey Hollingsworth with wall street office team
Dr. Masroor and congressman Trey Hollingsworth discussing today’s healthcare issues.
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth discussing healthcare with clinical staff member